Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Top Five Beers

I know it's not a classy start, but first things first. I rate the beer not by taste, but what is most appropriate for the person on a tight budget, but still want to party with mediocre taste.

5. Heineken-----more on the expensive side, this is why it comes at number five. But you can't deny the little more stout flavor of european lager, compared to a domestic lager. Buy on a semi-special occasion, or even a kegger!

4. Budweiser-----King of Beers? probably not. But this is classic Americana for you right here, must buy in bottles. (Probably more well known for Budweiser's commercials, rather than the actual taste of it.)

3. Corona------One of my all time favorites! cut a slice of lime, and enjoy! Those Mexicans get at least one thing right.

2. Coors Banquet-----I don't know if its the malt, hops, or crack that they put in it....but this concoction has a better than average flavor, and it won't rape your wallet at the same time.

1. Pabst Blue Ribbon-----Ahhhhh. There it is. It might have to grow on you, but you can't go wrong with this patriotic beer. For a smoother flavor and cheap as shit, you gotta ask yourself: "why not." "Its like George Washington goin down your throat." Need I say more?  

Disclaimer: This list was fabricated according to MY judgement and taste, and is not influenced by any other entity.


  1. I got a little worried with the Heineken, but you redeemed it by giving PBR the gold medal. Thank you, kind sir. You have restored my faith in humanity.

  2. Can you please do a rating of hard ciders sometime? I'd like to know what you think.
