Beirut: I feel very much like a gypsy every time I listen to this band...minus the gypsy curses of course. Great music to study to I found out.
The Naked and Famous: Whats better than an Asian? How about an Asian who fabricate kick-ass music. They are a catchy pop band from New Zealand--Warning: these songs will get stuck in your head.
Rusko: Believe it or not, this dude is pasty white. If you haven't listened to the late phenomena of music called "dubstep," you are probably over thirty. I don't care who you are, it's only a natural instinct to bob your head to the song "Woo Boost." Rusko is great for rave parties!
I love these! My favorite is Beirut. I posted one of their videos on my blog. Don't worry, I gave you credit. :) Nice music picks brother.